Monday, January 30, 2017

Not only are we God’s Children, but our children are God’s Children

This morning I believe I have gained a perspective most people will never gain or appreciate. But I would like to share it with whomever will listen/read.

We were sent here to earth to have a life, to gain knowledge and a body that we would not have otherwise gained.

We have been taught that we are children of god and that he loves us, watches over us, and wants nothing but for us to become perfect in Christ and return to live with him again.
But do we realize also that in turn, includes our children?
Think about it. Our children are God’s children…..let me say that again just to sink in…
Our children are God’s Children.
They aren’t ours. They aren’t our spouses, or the birth parents, or whomever, they are God’s!
When they are sent here, they become our 100% responsibility. They are not ours to rule, dictate, and demand. They are our responsibility to manage, teach, and be an example to. But then of course we are still not their greatest example either. Christ is.
God expects us to not only hold, love, and respect them, but to teach them to love, respect, and honor thy mother and father. Their Heavenly Mother and Father!
We have such precious little time in this life, and with 100% of it, we are given the responsibility to teach and show them everything we know to become perfect in Christ. Obviously this is not easy, so they give us help, they give us families, friends, religion, leaders, etc. etc. to help us on our path to teach them, and to teach ourselves.  
We don’t teach our kids everyday the things that mom and dad love… hey look kid, this is important for you to learn because when you’re 80 you need to know who the BeeGee’s are. No. Yes we may show them a couple of things like that, but they aren’t what we teach them. We don’t force them to learn all the words to the songs put out by the Beetles, or know all Michael Jordan’s Air moves. We teach them who the Savior was and about making right choices, about prayer, and scriptures, and about the plan of salvation. We teach them to love and fear God. How to show God that we are listening to his promptings and we are willing to do whatever he asks of us.
But I think we miss how extremely important that is.
My husband and I have been discussing where we will be sending our 3 yr old son to school in the next couple of years. But I believe he is on the right track when he talks about how much he wants to home school. Our world has become so corrupt and I believe our school systems teach only what they want your children to learn. This means they are missing so many key and important factors. In my family and life today I have realized that because God gave us his children to be responsible to and for he wants us to be the one to teaches them all that they should know.
This means that if they don’t learn key important things in this life, that is our fault. If they make stupid mistakes that is our fault. I believe that after the age of accountability they can start taking on some of that blame, but we are still and will remain their parents; so again, our fault.
We have to teach them to not only rely on us but to rely on God. And if we or they need help who they can turn to for help and guidance. Yes us, but more importantly, God.
I feel like in the Bible Hannah promised God that if she were granted a son, that she would devote his whole life to God. She was then blessed with Samuel. Yes 100% to devote our life to God by making the world a better place, teaching God’s children the right path to take to come back to God, to raise a God loving family, to learn and perfect our God given talents, to serve others, and to love all. We all can still do this and we should.